Wednesday 8 December 2010


I Love David E. Sugar but haven't seen much solo stuff for awhile. Imagine my excitement when I saw his brand new vid just how I like it; artsy, sweet and yet funky as ****! Perfect for a cold but sunny afternoon. Enjoy.


SO good. These guys are going places and they seriously know how to work a crowd. Vibrant yet not to the extent it (the music) loses intimacy. Enjoy.


So, it seems like I neglected even having a blog and yet still claiming to be a seasoned veteran. TOSH! Anyways, I stumbled upon some new inspiration to actually do it who or whatever that was is irrelevant (For now) :D

Here is a video I've been feeding my eyes with for awhile now and I'm not sure its got enough recognition. Without further a-do, OK Go and possibly their most recent video (I should probably check that) ^^ In their usual funky ways and artistic vision with unrivalled houndsmanship. Enjoy.

Monday 12 April 2010

Friday 9 April 2010


Wednesday 17 March 2010


OK, so it is wednesday afternoon. Its warm, the sun is shining for a change. Its a little on the breezy side however that only adds to enveloping one's self in an all round box ticking fiesta of comfort! Besides, I'm inside anyway.

The moral I seem to have overlook'd is none other than what better day to start a blog! Start a new chapter, a new page, a new beginning, maybe even a new awakening. Either way change is good.

So WELCOME dear blog-hoppers and surfers alike.

Now, the first thing on the list is introducing myself. I shall be known none other than THE KITSUNE KID. A little on the pretentious side I know but is an alias or name nowt but a lyrical representation of how others or how we wish others to perceive us? maybe not I ramble. Which is another perfect reason to start a blog. My name will remain unknown so as to add an air of mystery and maintain a little security but here is a taste of background. I am a noble englishman born and bred and enjoy nothing better than taking in a mix of cultures. Obviously there are certain areas that I wet pants over excitement however an open mind absorbs inspiration. Fashion sport and music are my vices and art is my way. I won't bother going into too much detail about myself for this is about the world not merely I. For anyone that cares to take in my perspective on MALE FASHION and/or MUSIC Or just wish to here a quirky, english, strong spirited futurist harp on about life. I'm here for you!

Next on the agenda is my musical preferences of late. You may have noticed the handy 'what I'm listening to' play list at the end of this inspirational reel (under construction). You may not (you probably won't). Have a listen chill and take some tasty bites out of what I have offered your mind. Any songs that honor me by rocking my senses will have a link and no doubt a lot of texticular affection posted.

I Will most definitely need to sift through my fashion and music archives before I can start posting some juicy chunks of stylish life sway.

Eyes peel'd :P